May 2022

10:30 AM

1. President Marla Carr called the May 26, 2022, DMARSPA meeting to order.
2. Marla introduced Kim Colby, who presented “Seniors on The Move.” Kim is the founder
and president of a membership- basis organization that keeps seniors on the move and
active. She worked for Meredith, but when faced with the challenge of an elderly parent,
she realized the need. She is here today to share in the journey with products and services
that are targeted to the senior community. She goes out and relays this to seniors. You
don’t have to be a member, but there are benefits - free admission to lunch-n-learn and
expos, free personal lifestyle planning and education, member-only pricing from Affiliate
resources, day-tripper tours and other travel opportunities, discounts on products and
services, Delta Dental and Vision benefits for members only. With 200 members, they are
continuing to grow. Additional people will come to participate. Senior Retreat is
something they have done in May for about the last six years - One-day retreat about
health, fitness, mind, body- what you can do to increase your health as you age. This year
they are holding a pre-workshop on June 7. A speaker from Life and Legacy Advisors will
be doing a financial health checkup. A vision workshop will be after lunch with a health
coach. The June 8 workshop starts at 8 am at Sheraton West. Another topic will be how to
kindle the lost art of letter writing. Other activities will include line dancing, vendors selling
senior services and talks on CDD. Every quarter, they will pick a place to do volunteer
opportunities. This year they will be at Joppa, a faith-based operation on Euclid on July 7.
Upcoming Lunch & Learn on July 12, at @3w5 48, 16 01 48th Street, #100. Their one-day
trips this summer will be Wed, June 22nd, Underground Railroad tour, Thursday, July 14,
The French Connection Tour, Thursday August 4 and 11, Iowa Falls- Scenic Empress Tour,
September 20 - Fall Harvest Tour, touring two farms, Villages of Van Buren tour on October
4 or 18th. An overnight trip will be “Nordic Overnight” September 7-8th. Other overnight
trips will be to Deborah,Tennessee Trailblazing tour. Memberships for DayTrippers Club -
trip assurance, lowest registration fees on tours, can cancel at any time. They just came
back from the French Rivera, coupled with Colette tours. Future trips are to French
Canada, islands of New England, San Antonio in December, Santa Fe, Spain and Portugal
and Italy in 2023. is the website. The membership fee is $19 for
singles a month with free monthly lunches, couples are $29 a month or you can pay by the
year. `
3. Recognition of May birthdays with the singing of Happy Birthday.
4. Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
5. Lunch
6. Thank you to wait staff.
7. Introduction of visitors.
8. Mike Walag said DM Plan is now having meetings on You Tube. Please send emails to
Sherry Weatherly to receive direct communication from the district about the plan.
9. Business Meeting:
A. Secretary’s Report: Sherry Wilkinson. Minutes will be filed with correction that
scholarship winners are enrolled in education programs.
B. Treasurer’s Report: Sandra Petree - GENERAL ACCOUNT: Balance on hand April
28, 2022 - $4756.80. Deposits - $2275.00. Expenses - $1500 (transfer to
scholarship account). Balance on hand May 26, 2022 - $5531.80.
SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT: Balance on hand April 23, 2022 - $2658.25.
Deposits - $1911.00. Interest - 12 cents. Balance on hand May 26, 2022 -
$4569.37. TOTAL May 26, 2022 - $10,101.29.
1). Dues of $18 need to be paid by June 30 at meeting or sent to Sandra Petree.

2. Table decorations: if anyone is interested in doing one, please contact
Sandra. You could also put decorations/objects you already have and want to
C. Courtesy report: Dee Fleischwacker - Letters sent to new members; get well card to
Sue Jansen for knee surgery.
1. Volunteer Hours - volunteering on a weekly or monthly basis for other clubs,
church activities, school or community events count. Please keep track of your
hours and turn them in at the August meeting.
1. Build membership to stay active and be effective. Think of people you know
and invite them to a meeting. If you are inviting a new retiree to the June
meeting, please let Marla know by Thursday, June 16, so she can have a rose
for them.
a. They will be introduced at our June meeting, and their meal will be our
retirement gift to them.
2. We will be working on programs for next year in June. If you are interested,
please see Marla after the meeting. If you have any program ideas, please fill
out the form on your table and give it to Marla.
3. If anyone would like to walk along the river after the meetings, please let
Marla know.
9. Announcements:
A. Sandra Petree has volunteered to organize the list of people who would like to make
table decorations and/or favors for our monthly meetings.
B. Meeting for programs after meeting.
10. Call captains: Many are very dedicated call captains. They are very appreciated.
A. Dee introduced her call captains and their callers.
B. Two callers are needed for next year. Two people volunteered.
11. Game answers
12. Door prize winner - Prize in honor of Memorial Day - Tina Olson
13. Cashiers for next month - Christina Gammell and Marian Langenberg
June 23, 2022, program - Rhea Spigner from KCCI. Meeting adjourned at 12:28` pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Wilkinson

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