February 2018 Minutes

I. Justine Finley started the meeting by welcoming members and guests.
A. Sherry Wilkinson introduced Jack Lufkin, who spoke about the Ft. Des Moines Museum
of Black soldiers and women in World War II.`Fort Des Moines is a
B. National Historical Landmark. There are 10 in Iowa - AMAna`
C. Ft. DM started when a number of business leaders pushed Congress to build a fort for
economic reasons. It was way out in the country. Buildings built from brick makers in
Iowa. Army Post Road named for the Fort. Can still see from SW 9th St. some of the
old buildings. Five of the buildings, which were previously the black officers quarters,
are going to be made into condos. South of the parade ground were where the men
stayed. South of that were where the stables were because this started as a Calvary
unit. World War II, a boom town existed, where the WACs were housed. Another
existing building, east on Army Post Rd., there’s kind of a horse barn was an indoor
training building for men on horse back. In the 1930’s, Ronald Reagan trained there,
and was thrown from a horse. Have a letter from him as President saying it was a good
thing the horse knew what he was doing. A trolley service transported people to
downtown. It trained Calvary before WWI, WACs in WWII.
1. jack showed two short films about the black soldiers and the WACs. In the fall of
1917, 600 men became officers and fought in the war. They were called Buffalo
Soldiers. Before 1917, only white men could become officers. Dr. DuBois pushed
for this. He wanted black officers commanding black troops. The camp was
formed in May of 1917. The black officers would serve under white supervisors.
Iowa was chosen because people felt Iowa would be more tolerant. Blacks were
denied training in machine guns. In October, 639 men graduated, paid in gold
coins, $75.
2. Black doctors were also trained there: 104 physicians and 12 dentists graduated.
They organized mobile medical hospitals.
3. Blacks were trained in segregated camps throughout the US.
4. In France, they finally received weapons training.
5. Harlem Hell Fighters were the most decorated unit. They had a jazz band.
6. Some were laborers, building buildings, grave registration, taking care of the horses.
1/3 were blacks.
7. Black soldiers were banned from the Bastile parade in Paris at the end of the war.
8. Iowa contributed 16 officer candidates. Many returned to DM after the war. Three
men formed the Iowa Bar Association.
9. Became a hospital until WWII, when it became a base to train women in non
combat roles
D. Over 400 women were stationed there. Women’s Army Corp. To qualify a woman had
to be a US citizen, have no children, be of a certain height and weight.
1. Women could be trained and placed on the job in a month.
2. Cloris Leachman was featured in one of the recruiting films.
3. Some women saw duties overseas. Gen. Douglas McArthur called them his best
4. 6000 African American women became WACS. She was in the postal division.
Eleanor Roosevelt pushed for black women representation.
5. At Ft. DM , black females were separated in barracks from whites.
6. Many WACS were from Iowa.
III. Justine celebrated February birthdays, followed by a pledge of allegiance, and a moment of
IV. Lunch
V. Justine thanked the wait staff.
VI. Marilyn Reese gave the joke of the day.
VII. Business Meeting:
A. Secretary - Sherry Wilkinson read the January minutes. Minutes were approved as
B. Treasurer - Rosemary Reported the checking account balance was $7,978.60 on
February 22, after expenses of $845 and deposits of $821. The Balance of the
scholarship fund on February 22, 1018 was $1,867.57. Total assets as of Bebruary 22,
2018, was $9,846.17. Report was approved.
C. Legislative j- Gary absent
D. Courtesy - Dee: Rose Auster has been going through chemo treatments; Mary
Smith broke her wrist; Having difficultly reaching Becky Ballantine. If anyone knows
about her, please let Dee know.
E. Scholarship - Dee: All of the information has gone out to the colleges and
universities. One person has responded.
viii. Old Business:
A. Volunteer hours still need to be reported.
B. Still looking for someone to be Vice President, cashier
IX. Announcements: If anyone is interested in being a docent at Reimen Gardens, they are
looking for docents.
X. Door prize - Evonne Hogan won a plant.
XI. Meeting adjourned at 12:21 pm. Next program by AARP on March 22, 2018

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