February 2016

DMARSPA FEBRUARY 28, 2016, MINUTES President Justine Finley welcomed members to the DMARSPA February 25, 2016 , meeting.   A special welcome was given to our newest members and visitors. Next she introduced our program - "The American Red Cross " presented by Dan Cataldi.      Dan, the chief development officer for the American Red Cross,  described to DMARSPA members the development and function of The Red Cross, internationally, nationally, and locally.  Prior to coming to the Red Cross, Dan led a disaster team for preparedness recovery for Hurricane Sandy, and in Dallas country.      Originally, started in Switzerland by a man who saw travesties on the battlefield, The Red Cross spread to the U.S in 1881, led by Clara Barton.The International relief organization, congressionally charted in 1905 in the U.S., has the goal in mind to prevent and alleviate human suffering by mobilizing services.   An operational team can be built within 48 hours to cover all aspects - food, cell phones, shelter, etc.  They have five pillars of service - blood services, services to military families, health and safety classes, disaster cycle services and international services.   A branch of the Red Cross is located in all Iowa counties except five.  The most common disaster in the U.S. Is home fires, followed by floods.   Their goal is to install 25,000 fire alarms this year in Iowa.  Following his presentation, Dan answered questions from DMARSPA members. Justine thanked the speaker , and led members in the pledge to the flag, followed by a moment of silence for those no longer with us; those who have special needs, and in gratitude for the fellowship we share and the food we are about to receive. Lunch President Finley called the meeting to order, and thanked the wait staff. Joe Nemec read his original poem, "The Guy in The Blue Jeans." Secretary report - Sherry Wilkinson.   Minutes were approved as read. Treasurer's report - Rosemary Hillman - Report filed for audit.  Started with $9449.47.  Deposit for lunches.$ 1,144.00. Expenses$ 1157.00 for lunches.   Also included deposit slips, $51.35 and brochures for $ 252.92.  Total expenses - $1,461.24    Checking account balance - $7988.20.  Scholarships fund - no change.  $795.66.   Total assets:  8, 783.86.   Rosemary mentioned DM WC has a new member orientation next Wednesday morning, if anyone would be interested.   Courtesy report- Sue Slater - nothing to report Legislative Update - no report OLD BUSINESS : A. In lieu of time - question will be called instead of using a secret ballot to vote on whether DMARSPA will fund two or three scholarships.  Elaine 'Wilkinson used Robert Rules to conduct the vote.  By laws say the number of scholarships are to be determined by the executive board, but we will open up to a vote by membership.  Discussion about raising the number of scholarships.  Suggestion to put something in bylaws, but they are not meant to be changed every year.   Another suggestion to leave it the way it is, and the board can determine by the amount they have.  Elaine is hearing we don't need a change; and that there should be more discussion between the board and the scholarship committee as to whether scholarships be raised.   Motion to determine the number of scholarships continue using the bylaws seconded and passed.   B. Continue to record volunteer hours in your directory separate or label , if time is with student or community. NEW BUSINESS:   A.  Regional Spring Meeting May 5 in Corydon.   B.  Food Bank of Iowa in April - cash or check - no cans or food items.   This is voluntary.   C.  Marilyn Reece - Nominating Committee          1.  Vice President - looking for a Vice President.    Wouldn't be president for two years.         2.  Treasurer- looking for a treasurer.  Would start next September. ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Brief board meeting following the general meeting.  Anyone is welcomed.            B. Judith Kitten described her trip to Cuba .            C. Justine asked for introductions of guests/visitors.            D.  Dee read the answer to the puzzles. E.  The door prize President Justine Finley adjourned the meeting at 12:39 pm.  The next program will be "Fraud Protection." March 24. Respectfully submitted, Sherry Wilkinson

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