April 2019

1. President Paula Schaefer welcomed members and guests.
2. DMARSPA $1500 Scholarship winners were introduced by Dee Fleischacker. Parents also
gave thanks to DMARSPA. Ashley Murphy, an early childhood education major, was the
first winner. Ashley comes from a long line of teachers, and goes to Iowa State.Hannah
McCann, an elementary ed.major from Iowa State, was the second winner. She has been
a substitute teacher in Ankeny. Her mother taught in Des Moines at Willard and McCombs.
Her grandmother and aunt are also teachers.
3. Bill Snyder gave a presentation on Identity theft, “How to Protect Yourself.” Thieves use
social security numbers, which can be obtained from the internet cheaply. Identify thieves,
in a video, described their methods, and what people can do to protect themselves. Both
used monies obtained to support their drug habits. The woman, Alice, would sit in a
fitness center parking lot and watch people leave things in their cars. Bill said not to carry
Medicare cards in your purse. Unsecured mail boxes are a gold mine for thieves. The red
flag for outgoing mail tells the thieves that it’s ripe for the picking. Alice stole one woman’s
whole history, and changed everything . She had 10 fake ID’s in her purse when she was
arrested. Some people will use social security numbers issued to infants. Protect your
identity by checking your credit reports; monitor all three bureaus; don’t give out your social
security number; keep track of billing cycles; examine financial statements; lock your mail
box; invest in a micro cross shredder; if selling a computer, erase the hard drive or take it
out and destroy it; use one credit card for shopping on line; use https sites because they
are secure; avoid sketchy ATMs; look for the seals on the card reader; be suspicious of
unsolicited calls or letters; use a real password that’s at least 15 digits long; use a
password manager; keep your credit cards close; keep your credit card close; buy checks
from the bank, not on-line services; op out of pre approved credit cards; op out of data
sharing; put locks on your credit reports; beware of misspellings in web site names;
4. Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
5. Lunch
6. Business meeting called to order at 12:30 pm.
A. Minutes - Sherry Wilkinson: approved as read.
B. Treasurer report - Sandra Petree: Balance on hand March 28, 2019, was $6916.23.
Deposits - $1782.00; Expenses - $1020.00; Balance on hand April 25, 2019 - $7678.23.
Scholarship account balance on April 25, 2019- $1643.60 after deposit of $70 and
earned interest of .07 cents. Total balance on April 25, 2019 - $9321.83
C. Old Business:
1. Nominating committee appointments for next year’s slate of officers.
2. DMARSPA dues are due.
3. Food Bank of Iowa donations totaled $328.
D. New Business:
1. Pro Temp President elect appointment for remaining year.
2. Representative needed to attend IRSPA conference in Ottumwa on May 8,
3. Be sure to keep track of your volunteer hours.
8. President Schaefer adjoined the meeting at 12:40 pm. The program for the May meeting
will be, “YMCA Supportive Housing.” Donations will be accepted.

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