June 2016

President Justine Finley welcomed everyone to the June 23, 2016, DMARSPA meeting. She announced that members should put enough money in the parking meters until 1 p.m. We have change, if you need it. The Hall of Pride is open today and next month for parking.
Sherry Wilkinson introduced Gary Thelen, who presented program, "The Panama Canal." Gary, a former Roosevelt And Lincoln High School teacher was stationed in the Army in Panama because he had a talent for languages and graduated from the language school in Monterey, California. The government sent as many Spanish-speaking troops as possible because of poor relations with Panama. Gary was a rarity as a white, Spanish speaking military person. He answered two questions everyone asks: When are they going to open the
new locs? Sunday. It is two years behind schedule and behind budget. The new locs can handle larger ships. Question #2. Why did Jimmy Carter give away the Canal? You can't give away what you don't own. We rented the Canal Zone. That was a problem with the Panamanians. The French government tried to build the first canal, but failed. The French sold it to Panama. It was done by the French with the benefits hoping to the US. Came to a head in 1963. Panama said it was their land and needed their flag flying over the zone. JFK ordered the flag to be thrown. Kennedy was killed the next week, and the governor of the zone decided
to ignore his order. The Panama high school students marched on the Canal Zone to demand the flag be thrown. In the meantime, some other students had run up the US flag. They wouldn't let the Panama students fly their flag. Their flag was torn. Three days of violence. Twenty four Panamanians killed; three us service men killed. Lyndon Johnson said he would negotiate the treaty. But nothing happened because of Viet Nam. Jimmy Carter, in 1978, decided to turn over control of the canal and the zone in 1989. We guaranteed neutrality. Any ship with a captain and who pays in advance can go through, regardless of the government. We are guaranteed to protect the canal and maintain it. We previously needed the canal to move battleships more quickly. Jimmy Carter's decision was not popular. Passed by the Senate. Most of the senators who voted for it were not reelected. Now it is no longer controlled by the US so it is not a terrorist target.  What was it like when America ran the show? Gary was sent there in June of 1970. Luckily, he was sent there to speak Spanish. The French-speaking students were sent to Morocco. Not romantic serving in the tropics- wearing pith helmets and shorts. He was there for a year. Gary dressed in the authorized uniform that no one else wore. Not a problem until his going
away party when he was told not to wear his shorties. Panama means abundance of fish. He and his friends did that a lot. The four-star General in charge of the southern zone would loan his boat once a month to his company. The
fish caught would be sold to the fishmongers. One fish would feed six people.
Balboa is Capitol of the Canal Zone. In the past, mosquitoes were prevalent, and caused yellow fever and malaria. Workers on the canal suffered greatly, and many died. Quarters had to be built of stone. Walter Reed discovered the drug to cure yellow fever. Water is not allowed to sit so mosquitoes can't breed.
Windows were always allowed to be open. In the treaty, the US had to provide transport from Panama City to the interior. So the bridge of the Americas was constructed. The super cruise ships can go through the new locks, but they don't fit under the bridge.  Cars were expensive in Panama. They were charged a 400 percent tariff. Only middle class and above owned cars. Most people got around on buses. Chiva-chivas were the people who owned the buses, which cost a nickel to ride. Wages for most people were low- 50 cents a hour. In the Canal Zone, it was $1.50. Unemployment was high. Poor people lived in wooden houses. Tivioli Guest House built for Teddy Roosevelt in 1906 when he visited for three days. It was built out of wood because he gave them such short notice. Finally, succumbed to demolition because of termites in the 1970's.
Electronic listening equipment was in a building where US people were listening to South Americans governments. A crew would be replaced every week.
No one has ever attacked the canal. Most of the troops didn't wander the city because they didn't speak Spanish, while Gary could. Panamanians today are doing a good job running the canal today. President Finley thanked the speaker and recognized people with June birthdays. Following
was the Pledge to the flag and a moment of silence.

A lunch buffet followed.

At 12:06 P.M...the meeting was called to order by President Finley.
Justine read an address written by Rosemary Hillman honoring the retiring teachers.
1. Judy and Nancy Walden were honored with roses for their many years (13)(11) for assembling and decorating the candy boxes we have enjoyed.
2. Presentation to each new retiree was made by Judy and Nancy. Retirees were asked to share who they were and their contribution to Education. New Retirees were encouraged to consider becoming a member of DMARSPA.

Introduction of guests.

Secretary's Report - Sherry Wilkinson read the minutes of the May 28, 2016, meeting. Minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report - Rosemary Hillman. Report will be filed for audit. Expenses - Barratta's Checking account balance - $ 10, 595.00. Scholarship fund - $375.78. Contributions will be appreciated. Please send renewals before July 1. State dues aren't due until October - $15. Rosemary related that we have two scholarships given every year.

Courtesy Report - Sue (absent).

Legislative Update: Gary Thelen ( no report).

1. Dues are due. Please get your check to Rosemary Hillman by July 1.
2. Please inform Bill and Joelle Snyder of any changes in address, phone or email for the membership book asap.
3. Volunteer hours are due in August.
4. Installation of officers in August. Slate of officers staying the same. Shirley will be stepping down as chief cashier, with Elaine Wilkinson stepping in.
5. Cashiers for next month are: Marian Langenberg and Jane Johnson.
6. Program committee met, and slots are being filled.

Answer to puzzles given by Dee Flieschacker.

Door prize won by Florence Nelson.

Justine adjourned the meeting at 12:37 p.m. Our next meeting will be July 28, with the program being , "Des Moines Friendship Force."

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Wilkinson

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